Mini Meat Loaf
Muffin meatloaf is a fun way to make traditional meatloaf. It’s the perfect size for kids to enjoy!
Prep and cook time
Prep Time: 8 min. Cook time: 1 hr.
- 1 egg
- ½ tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- ½ cup milk
- ½ cup ketchup
- ¾ cup dry oatmeal
- 1 lb lean ground beef
- 3 tbsp onion
- ½ diced green onion
- ½ tbsp onion powder
- ½ tbsp garlic powder
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ tsp pepper
- ½ cup cheese
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine all ingredients and mix well.
- Spoon mixture and divide evenly into 12 greased muffin cups.
- Bake for 1 hour, or until temperature in center of meat loaf is 160 degrees.
- Cool slightly before removing from muffin cups.
Nutritional information
Amount per serving: 230 calories; Carbohydrate: 8g; Fat: 12g; Protein: 21g; Dietary fiber: 1g